HSE watermark logo

persistent logo

All videos should display the HSE watermark for videos for the full duration of the video - excluding opening and closing frames - in the top right corner of the screen.

The size should be the same as the image above, keep it small. It should not obstruct or distract from anything on screen. 

No other logos should be visible for the full duration of the video. Secondary logos should only be featured in the opening and closing frames.

Download the HSE persistent logo positioning template (PSD, 427KB, 1 file)

Download the HSE persistent logo (PNG, 11KB, 1 file) 

Videos with a white background

This coloured logo should only be used for white backgrounds. For example, animated videos or videos where it's not possible to see the white logo at all.

If the white logo fades in and out throughout your video as the background changes, that is completely fine. It does not have to be clearly seen throughout the entire video. Please use the white logo instead of the coloured logo unless you cannot see it at all. 

Remember, this is a watermark, it is supposed to be small and subtle.

If you're working with a white or light background where it's not possible to see the white logo for the entire video, you can download the HSE persistent logo for white backgrounds (PNG, 14.9KB, 1 file)