EIP Programme Progress
Programme progress
The EIP NCP has received 3.68 million in funding to support implementation from 2015 until 2023. The rates of psychosis vary considerably across and within countries. Rates are higher where there are more young people, more socioeconomic deprivation, and greater ethnic diversity.
The 3.68 million funding received from 2015 until end 2023 has supported:
- Five Early Intervention in Psychosis teams
- Two EIP services pre-existed the EIP NCP development (DETECT, CHO 6 & EIST, North Lee, CHO 4). Note neither of these services are resourced in line with the EIP Model of Care. They are not able to provide all elements of care set out in the Model of Care at this point but are gradually expanding in line with investment
- Three new EIP services were funded in 2018 (RISE, South Lee Cork, CHO 4), (Sligo/Leitrim, CHO 1) and Meath (CHO 8)
- A ‘Process Evaluation’ of the implementation of these three EIP teams was completed by Trinity College Dublin between 2019-2022. See programme documents here.
- The evaluation report was published in September 2022 found that: EIP works, service users and their families prefer it and Mental health clinicians want to work in EIP.
- A new EIP service for CAMHS/ Youth was funded by the women’s health taskforce in 2022 & 2023. This service will be co-located with the DETECT Team in CHO 6.
- Quarterly EIP network day webinars are hosted by the programme every year. More than 150 clinicians from across the country attend these online events.
Implementation progress to date
- There are five EIP Teams in Ireland.
- 19% of the adult population have access to an EIP service in Ireland currently. The teams will require ongoing investment from EIP NCP to meet local demand & Model of Care standards.
- Twenty more EIP specialist services are required to provide national coverage for all people aged 14- 64 years old as per the EIP Model of Care.
- All Clinical Programmes are dependent on new additional funding to be implemented fully and Programmes can take several years to be fully implemented.
National Mental Health Policy- Sharing the Vision
Recommendation 52 in Sharing the Vision states that investment in the EIP Model of Care should be continued.
EIP brings the 4 principles of the National Mental Health Policy ‘Sharing the Vision’ to life:
- Recovery - Hope, choice, empowerment
- Trauma informed - individualised care, sensitive to trauma and risk of re-traumatisation
- Human Rights - collaborative care delivered in least restrictive environment
- Valuing and learning - Learning culture in teams, quarterly EIP Network days, access to EIP training opportunities