Connolly Hospital - My Medical Records

This process is for patients of Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown only. If you have attended another hospital please go to: Making a Request for contact details.

If you are requesting medical records for a child who attended CHI Connolly, please note that your request needs to be sent to CHI Temple Street.

How do I get a copy of my medical record? 

You have the right to access information about you that is held by us.

There are 2 ways you can make a request:

  1. Freedom of Information or 
  2. Subject Access Request (SAR) under GDPR

Making a request under Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 2014 gives each individual legal rights to access both personal and non-personal (corporate) records, to have personal records amended or deleted where the information is incorrect or misleading and the right to seek reasons for decisions that affect him/her.

These rights extend to your own personal records and in specific circumstances, to those of your children and deceased relatives. There are exemptions provided for in the Acts, this means that there are specific circumstances when the requested information will not be released, e.g. to protect confidentiality. If any of these exemptions are used to withhold information, the reasons will be clearly explained to you.

Please note you should be specific in your request for the records that you seek. Under FOI legislation Public Bodies are not obliged to answer questions.

They are obliged to release certain records and information. Please specify the records/type of records that you are seeking. Where possible, please only request records for a specific time period, that way it will assist in your request being handled as efficiently as possible.

More information about Freedom of Information (FOI).

You must apply in writing and enclose a photocopy of your passport, driving licence or another official form of identification. Please note that all identification must be valid and in date at the time you are making your request. PPSN cards are not accepted as an official form of identification.

If you are making a request for records relating to a deceased individual, you must also include proof of your relationship to the deceased person. Please note that the circumstances where deceased individual’s records are released are limited and as such, when you are requesting a copy of a deceased individual’s records, you must outline a reason as to why you would like these records released to you.

Please fill in the 'Access to Records - FOI’ form and return it to us along with a copy of your passport or driving licence and if applicable proof of relationship document(s). If you require any help in completing this form please Tel: 01 646 6073

Please return this form by post to: FOI & Data Protection Office, 1st Floor, Administrative Building, Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 or email

Word version of ‘Access to Records – FOI’ form

Making a Subject Access Request under GDPR

You may use either the Freedom of Information Acts or the GDPR/Data Protection Acts to access personal information held by public bodies. However, the Data Protection Acts apply only to your own personal information.

Should you wish to make to SAR, you should complete the ‘Subject Access Request’ Form and return the form by post to: Please return this form by post to: FOI & Data Protection Office, 1st Floor Administrative Building, Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 or email

You are also required to enclose a photocopy of your passport, driving licence or another official form of identification. Please note that all identification must be valid and in date at the time you are making your request. PPSN cards are not accepted as an official form of identification.

Please note that if you are seeking records of a deceased relative, you cannot make your request under GDPR/Data Protection and must make your request under FOI.

Subject Access Request form (docx)

HSE Subject Access Request form (PDF)

HSE Subject Access Request form in As Gaeilge (PDF)

Things to be aware of when making a request for medical records

When making a request, you must state if you are making your request under FOI or a Subject Access Request. If you fail to nominate which avenue you are making your request under, your request will be handled as a SAR under GDPR/Data Protection Acts.

Once the FOI & Data Protection Office has received your request, it should be acknowledged within ten (10) working days if made under FOI. If you did not enclose a copy of your current photographic identification, the FOI & Data Protection Office will notify you and the time in which the Office has to response to your request will not start until we have received a full valid request, which includes a copy of your current photographic identification.

Once a valid request has been received and acknowledged, the FOI & Data Protection Office will endeavour to issue a decision within twenty (20) working days for an FOI request and within one (1) month for a SAR request. There are times where requests may be delayed and the FOI & Data Protection Office will update you accordingly if this is the case.

If you are requesting to inspect records as part of an FOI request, please note that the staff member who will be present with you during this viewing will not be in a position to answer any questions regarding the requested records being inspected. Please also note that there may be times where inspects cannot be facilitated due to the restriction of access into the Hospital as HSE guidelines will be followed during this time and you will be informed of same.