HSE Implementation Plan for the Enhanced Nurse/Midwife Contract

HSE Announces Implementation Plan for the Enhanced Nurse/ Midwife Contract as per Labour Court recommendations LCR21901 and LCR21942

The HSE has today published the Implementation Plan for the Enhanced Nurse/ Midwife Contract as per Labour Court recommendations LCR21901 and LCR21942 which were agreed earlier this year. The Labour Court Recommendations provide for the creation of the Enhanced Nurse/Midwife Grade. The Enhanced Nurse/Midwife Contract provides an opportunity to act as an enabler to the delivery of Sláintecare and to transform the nursing and midwife professions.

The contract will optimise the skills of the nurse/midwife and help to build a sustainable, resilient workforce. There is a particular focus in the enhanced contract on hours of work, location, and duties.

The contract will also focus on the delivery of improved patient care and services.

In terms of the HSE’s role in the implementation of the Enhanced Nurse/Midwife Contract this plan sets out the description of actions being taken and the timelines for completion of these actions. The HSE will report on progress of implementation of these actions as an oversight mechanism for the implementation of the contract.

The HSE is fully committed to the implementation of the Enhanced Nurse/Midwife Contract. Considerable work has been undertaken to develop a realistic and manageable implementation plan with much of the work already underway. This has involved significant engagement with the Department of Health and Department of Public Expenditure throughout the development of the plan and this engagement will continue throughout the implementation period.

The Implementation Plan for the Enhanced Nurse/ Midwife Contract is now available on www.hse.ie