CGM Sensors Reimbursement Application System

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems provide an alternative approach to using blood glucose test strips for self-monitoring of blood glucose, by measuring glucose levels in the interstitial fluid (a thin layer of fluid around the cells). These systems comprise of sensors (self-administered subcutaneously, typically in the upper arm and replaced every 7 to 14 days depending on the system), transmitters (or combined sensors and transmitters), and a mechanism to display the results (readers/receivers or smart device application). There are two types of CGM systems; real-time CGM (rtCGM) and intermittently scanned CGM (isCGM).

The HSE have implemented a reimbursement application system for CGM sensors, with effect from 1 December 2023. From this date, all patients newly initiated on CGM sensors must receive prior approval for reimbursement support. Reimbursement support is available for patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus only.

The HSE Medicines Management Programme (MMP) review reimbursement applications submitted by diabetes healthcare professionals on behalf of patients, seeking approval for reimbursement support of CGM sensors. Frequently Asked Questions for Healthcare Professionals are provided below.

In July 2024, the MMP identified preferred CGM sensors with associated systems.