Midlands Regional Hospital at Tullamore Launch Real Time Bed Management Right Bed, Right Time, Right Place
On Friday April 12th, the Real Time Bed Management (RTBM) programme on the HSE Patient Administration System, iPMS was launched by our colleagues at Midlands Regional Hospital at Tullamore (MRHT).
The RTBM system provides accurate bed management which enables flexible patient flow, saving time and improving efficiencies and patient safety. This mammoth task has been in planning for a number of months and the MRHT RTBM team are delighted to see its successful launch.
Benefits of the initiative include:
- Allows for timely admission, transfer and discharge of all inpatients to the correct destination in live time.
- Eliminates the need for daily and nightly manual ward census which will save time for staff on the ward and the Site Nurse Manager.
- Improves the tracing of Infection Control for both patients and staff.

Sinead Boyd, Assistant Director of Nursing MRHT stated, “One of the key benefits of this new system is its precision in recording accurate activity levels. Our colleagues can trust what they are seeing in real time. A digital accurate census of the bed map will improve patient flow from our Emergency Department to the inpatient bed, reduce the number of phone calls to wards checking actual availability of beds and the accurate capturing of bed capacity.”
She continues, ‘positive engagement with all of the key stakeholders from the outset – administration staff and nursing staff in particular has had a significant impact on the success of this project which benefits both them and service users, streamlining processes in a more efficient and timely manner ”
“I would like to acknowledge the work of my colleagues on the MRHT RTBM team and the Practice Development team who engaged tirelessly with all relevant hospital staff throughout, providing one to one and department training as required ensuring that all staff were familiar and comfortable using the system on go-live.” adds Sinead.
Louisea Burke, Director of Nursing MRHT stated, “Ultimately everyone will benefit from this fantastic initiative. Improved efficiencies improves patient’s safety whilst providing timely and accurate information - right bed, right time, and right place. The Senior Management Team of Tullamore Hospital would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in the successful roll out of this project for the benefit of all staff and patients in our hospital. Another step in the right direction in aligning our hospital with DMHG’s and the HSE’s e- health strategy.
Cora Flynn RANP RGNNursing and Midwifery Information Officer – eHealth Director of NursingDublin Midlands Hospital Group said “The impact of the Real Time Bed Management iPMS module will be beneficial to patient flow and patient safety. Digital adoption of systems by nurses is an invaluable asset to the organisation. The learnings from this project on the utilisation of this module will be important for other sites in our health region. I would like to take this opportunity to commend the work of the organising committee”.
Details of photograph:
Back Left to right: Sinead Boyd (ADON Patient Flow), Catheriona Dearden (IPMS System Admin), Deirdre Mooney (IPMS System Admin), Pauline Keeshan (Business Manager, Medical Directorate/Diagnostics)
Front Left to Right: Sheelagh Hyland (Finance), Kathryn O’Brien (Data Information Officer)