September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month - a focused time for colleagues in the Midlands Regional Hospital Tullamore (MRHT) to raise awareness of blood cancers, the need for improved treatments, early diagnosis, and increased funding for research. There are a number of cancers that affect the blood including Myeloma, Leukaemia, Lymphoma, and Myelodysplastic syndromes.
On Friday April 12th, the Real Time Bed Management (RTBM) programme on the HSE Patient Administration System, iPMS was launched by our colleagues at Midlands Regional Hospital at Tullamore (MRHT).
This new project at Midland Regional Hospital Tullamore hopes to bring some comfort to bereaved families. Inspired by the success of this project in Midland Regional Hospital Mullingar earlier this year, the End of Life Care Committee (EOLCC) in Tullamore Hospital hope to roll this project out
The Midlands Regional Hospital Tullamore has introduced a new initiative, the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Virtual Ward. This program launched in March 2024 with the aim of transforming the care of patients with COPD by using digital technology.