Specialty-Specific Reviews


Speciality Specific Reviews were developed to provide evidence-based data and projections for the current and future requirement for each of the medical specialities. These reports outline the current specialty service delivery model, the configuration of the medical workforce, future drivers of change to that workforce as well as planned models of care, among other things. This information then feeds into the medical education and training aspect of NDTP via the commissioning and funding of medical training required to meet workforce needs, ensuring that the training content and delivery is responsive to the changing needs of the Irish healthcare system, and supporting the retention of doctors upon completion of their training. (Please note the reports below are in PDF format.)

Specialty Link to Report
Clinical Genetics Clinical-Genetics-Medical-Workforce-in-Ireland-2024-2038
Dual Training Speciality of Medicine Dual-Training-Medicine-Specialty-in-Ireland-2024-2038
Emergency Medicine Emergency-Medicine-Workforce-in-Ireland-2024-2038
Surgery Surgery Medical Workforce in Ireland 2024-2038
Anaesthesiology Anaesthesiology Medical Workforce in Ireland 2023-2038
Intensive Care Medicine Intensive Care Medicine Workforce Plan - 2020
Emergency Medicine Review of the Emergency Medicine Medical Workforce In Ireland - 2017
Palliative Medicine Review of the Palliative Medicine Workforce In Ireland -2017
Pathology Medical Workforce Planning for the Specialties of Pathology - 2023
Paediatrics & Neonatology Specialty Review Paediatrics And Neonatology Medical Workforce In Ireland - 2017
Psychiatry Medical Workforce Planning for the Specialty of Psychiatry 2020-2030
Clinical Radiology Review of the Clinical Radiology Medical Workforce in Ireland - 2017
Radiation Oncology Specialty Review: Radiation Oncology Medical Workforce in Ireland - 2017