Doctors Integrated Management E-System (DIME)
DIME is a quadripartite system which encompasses National Doctors Training & Planning (NDTP), the Irish Medical Council, the Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies and Clinical Sites. The DIME system continues to be upgraded and developed on an on-going basis and currently consists of eight separate modules.
There are approximately 500 service users that have access to some or all the DIME modules. These service users include Medical Manpower teams, Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies and Occupational Health Departments.
Data Compliance
NDTP continues to receive requests for DIME data from both internal and external stakeholders for a variety of reasons i.e. parliamentary questions, freedom of information requests, requests from the Joint Health Committees and High Level Committees etc. DIME data also aids as a tool for workforce planning forecasting and therefore, it is extremely important that the data produced is reliable. In this regard it is imperative that DIME is kept up to date in all aspects and that it accurately reflects the position within each clinical site. It must be noted that data presented from NDTP differs from data presented by National HR.
Suggestions Register
The DIME Team maintains a Suggestions Register which is essentially feedback received from end service users on how to improve the DIME and NER systems. The Suggestions Register is reviewed on an on going basis in an aim to continue to enhance current system functionality for all DIME and NER users.
Suggestions Register Form (Google doc)
Current DIME Modules
NCHD Post Matching Module: A National NCHD Database was developed by the HSE and rolled out in July 2011. The primary function of the database was to enable registration, training, and employment details of NCHDs to be collated and shared in one central national system. It informs both Medical Manpower departments and Postgraduate Medical Training Bodies what type of IMC registration the NCHD holds, as well as notifying them when an NCHD no longer has active registration with the Irish Medical Council. The reports section of this module is also used as a tool when gathering data for workforce planning predictions for the health service on a national level as well as answering parliamentary questions and freedom of information requests.
National Employment Record (NER) Module: In October 2015, the NER module was rolled out nationally. This enhanced existing DIME functionality by incorporating an efficient management system of pre-employment screening documentation that NCHDs must provide prior to commencing a new post. The NER Module reduces the burden of paperwork on NCHDs by providing a central location for this documentation to be stored and accessed by their employers
Consultant Post Matching Module: The Consultant Post Matching Module was rolled out nationally in 2017. This Module gives NDTP the ability to create Consultant posts approved by the Consultant Applications Advisory Committee (CAAC) on DIME. Employers are then able to assign consultants to their respective posts. The recording of all posts allows for more accurate reporting at local and national level and helps to inform workforce planning decisions.
Occupational Health Module: The Occupational Health Module was rolled out nationally in May 2017. Its aim was to further reduce the burden of paperwork for NCHDs when rotating by replacing hard copy Occupational Health documentation with a paperless system managed via their NER Account. NCHDs now complete pre-employment health questionnaires online, and upload immunisation documentation directly to DIME. These documents are then screened by Occupational Health practitioners through a secure Occupational Health Module and doctors are passed fit for employment through DIME.
Consultant Applications Portal (CAP) Module: The Consultant Applications Portal (CAP Module) was rolled out nationally in June 2018 following a successful pilot period in Quarter 1 2018. The CAP Module is used to apply for new posts, replacement posts and for the restructuring of existing posts. The purpose of the CAP Module is to expedite the process of consultant post approval and to allow visibility and transparency for stakeholders throughout the process. The Portal facilitates users to complete, verify, submit and track consultant application forms from the initiation stage to approval online. The introduction of this Module has helped to minimize errors and improve traceability of forms as well as providing a centralized paperless system for all users to access.
Training Supports Scheme Module: The Training Supports Scheme (TSS) Module was launched in July 2019. NDTP created a TSS module that enables NCHDs and Medical Manpower Departments to manage the administration for the Training Supports Scheme using a streamlined centralised system which also provides transparency throughout the entire process for all stakeholders.
Clinical Course & Exam Refund Scheme Module: The Clinical Course and Exam Refund Scheme (CCERS) moved from a paper-based system to DIME on 30th November 2020. NDTP created the new module to enable NCHDs to apply for CCERS funding via the NER Portal and Medical Manpower Departments to manage the administration of the scheme via DIME allowing a more transparent process for all stakeholders.
E-Portfolio Module: The principle objective of the E-Portfolio will allow NCHDs, who are not on a formal training scheme have access to a generic standard document to record their training and career development. It also gives the opportunity to have their experience validated by their Supervising Clinician / Consultant where applicable. All NCHDs will be able to access the E-Portfolio through their NER account, however it is principally aimed at doctors not currently working in training posts.
Read more about financial supports for Non Consultant Hospital Doctors (NCHDs)
The DIME Team can be contacted at
National Employment Record (NER)
The National Employment Record (NER) was developed by HSE NDTP in response to one of the key recommendations of the MacCraith Report. The recommendation was based on feedback received directly from NCHDs. The system was specifically designed to minimise repetitive paperwork requirements for NCHDs and eliminate as much duplication as possible when rotating employers within the Irish health system.
The NER is accessed by approximately 9,000 NCHDs. It allows NCHDs to interact virtually with their Medical Manpower and Occupational Health departments in order to process pre-employment screening documentation, as well as accessing financial supports for both the TSS and CCERS schemes. In September 2021 the NCHD E-Portfolio was launched and this enables the NCHD to store a record of their training and career development. It also gives them the opportunity to have their experience validated by their Supervising Clinician / Consultant where applicable.
NER App now available on IOS & Android devices
The National Employment Record (NER) App is now available for all NCHDs to download on the App and Google Play Store Accounts.
The NER App is an extension of the current NER web based portal which enables NCHDs to interact virtually with Medical HR and Occupational Health Departments nationally in order to complete and upload pre-employment screening documentation prior to commencing a new post. NCHDs can also apply for funding under both the Training Supports Scheme and the Clinical Course Exam and Refund Scheme via the NER App.
More recently, all NCHDs now have access to an E-Portfolio module through their NER account. The E-Portfolio module gives NCHDs the opportunity to record their training and career development and have their experience validated by their Supervising Clinician/ Consultant where applicable. This functionality is also available on the NER App.
NOTE: There is no requirement to set up a new NER Account when accessing the App. Your same login credentials for the NER web based portal will apply.
NER APP user guides