Change Guide in Action
Lively interactive virtual workshop on the Change Guide in Action, featuring your Health and Social Care colleagues' shared experiences of delivering effective and sustainable change. This evidence-based approach puts people and culture at the centre of the change.
Learning outcomes include:
- Allowing participants to review real case examples of a co-design people and culture change approach, from staff who have used the Change Guide in practice.
- Focus is on an examination of the Change Guide in action and the application of the core concepts, tools and templates to a specific shared experience.
- Signpost other resources about the Change Guide to participants
Workshops for 2024 will be held monthly except for July, August and December. The workshop starts at 11am and runs until 1pm using a blended learning methodology.
Schedule for Change Guide in Action workshops in 2024:
- 31 January
- 28 February
- 27 March
- 1 May
- 22 May
- 26 June
- 25 September
- 23 October
- 27 November
To participate register by emailing with Change Guide in Action in the email heading to secure a place. Early registration is recommend as places are limited on the workshop.
Change Consultation Clinic
Have you a specific ‘change challenge’ you would value support with?
The Change Consultation Clinic is facilitated by experienced HSE Organisation Development Practitioners, Organisation & Development & Design team in Kells, Co Meath.
People’s Needs Defining Change- Health Services Change Guide informs our practitioners’ practice. It is the essential guide to change, mapping out a step-by-step approach - assisting you to address the ‘messiness of change’.
The Change Guide is evidence-based and has been researched in an Irish context. It is the policy framework and agreed approach to change signed off by HSE Leadership and co-sponsored and agreed with the Trade Unions.
The pre-registration questions focus on your service and a live change challenge you would like to consult on.
How to register for a Change Consultation Clinic
- Email with subject line: Change Consultation Clinic to register.
- We will send you a short questionnaire to enable the OD practitioners to better understand your service and your specific change challenge.
- When we receive the completed questionnaire, we will confirm your place and time for a one-to-one session.
Please note there are limited places so early registration is advised
When and Where are the clinics
Clinics will run from 10am to 1pm; your appointment time (up to 1 hour in duration) will be agreed directly with you by the Organisation Development and Change Practitioner assigned to your application and clinics are held virtually.
Schedule for change consultation clinics in 2024 (2nd Thursday of the month except for July and August):
- 11 January
- 8 February
- 14 March
- 11 April
- 9 May
- 13 June
- 12 September
- 10 October
- 14 November
- 12 December
Organisation Development and Design, Kells. Co Meath.
For further information Email: or Phone: 046 925 1461