Introduction to Risk Management

As a health service, our objectives relate both to our day-to-day mission to provide, the highest quality health and social care services for the population of Ireland and to our longer term ambition that these services and the experience of those waiting for, or who are receiving care, become demonstrably better.

Risk is the ‘effect of uncertainty on objectives. In the context of the HSE and its services, it is any condition, circumstance, event or threat which may impact the achievement of objectives and/or have a significant impact on the day-to-day operations. This also includes failing to maximise any opportunity that would help the HSE or service meet its objectives.’

Each one of us unconsciously and naturally manage risks every day, in our homes, as we travel and at work. Risk management simply provides us with a structured approach to anticipate the threats that could occur, assists us in identifying the most effective way to manage those threats and gives us the means by which we can measure how successful we have been in our efforts.

To support you in delivering on your commitments in relation to managing risk, the Enterprise Risk Management Policy and Procedures 2023 is intended to be a practical resource for all healthcare workers, including clinicians and managers, with the aim of supporting you as you navigate the many uncertainties you face in your roles. 

Read the Risk Management Documentation

HSE Enterprise Risk Management Policy and Procedures 2023 Launch Webinar (Youtube)

How to contact us

Enterprise Risk Management Programme

Room 1.49 Dr Steevens’ Hospital

Dublin 8