National Office for Human Rights and Equality Policy

What is the HSE National Office for Human Rights and Equality Policy?


Our mission is to:

  • Build skills, knowledge and confidence of staff
  • Achieve HSE Compliance with Human Rights legislation
  • Develop and promote HSE Human Rights and Equality Policy
  • Influence legislative and organisational change to ensure that the human rights and dignity of each person using HSE services are respected.


Our vision is a health and social care service that respects the rights, autonomy and dignity of all the people who use services.

The Office is primarily responsible for the strategic oversight of the HSE National Consent Policy and to provide advice and guidance on the implementation of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act (2015) in the HSE.

The Office also provides guidance and support on universal access and other human rights and equality issues including public sector duty and universal access for people with disabilities. 

The Office works in collaboration with staff and people who use our services to ensure human rights and equality issues are addressed.

Find out more about our team


Programmes of work


The Office produces a quarterly newsletter which you can view previous issues here:

For more information about the Office or if you would like to receive our newsletter please contact