Healthmail is a secure clinical email service that allows health care providers to send and receive clinical patient information in a secure manner. The service is provided by the Primary Care Directorate of the HSE and is managed by eHealth Ireland and supported by the ICGP and the Irish Pharmacy Union.
We know only too well the challenge of co-ordinating our time to discuss issues by phone. Being able to send a secure email is convenient, efficient and is usually productive. Why not take a look at the Healthmail website and see how convenient it is to register. We can then communicate easily and securely with one another particularly around specific patient concerns.
Here’s what health care professionals in Community Healthcare East (CHE) have to say about it:
“We have been using the Healthmail facility in the practice and have found it to be a very positive experience. It is a reliable and secure way of sending and receiving clinical patient information while also being efficient and utilising time well. We check daily for emails and are very pleased with the service. We would recommend this facility.”
June, Deirdre and Fiona, PNs, Arklow Medical Practice
"I use healthmail daily in communications regarding patient management particularily with our diabetic shared care nurses and hospital teams. It is a secure network and provides a safe, quick and reliable way of sorting patient issues out without having to reach people by phone. It is really easy to set up. GPs and administration staff have access to healthmail in our practice also. "
Jane Deehan, PN, Bradshaw's Lane, Arklow
“I have been using Healthmail for the management of my patients with diabetes for over a year. It has proved to be very productive. In particular, I can communicate promptly with the community diabetes nurse about specific patients and then incorporate the correspondence in to their individual files where appropriate. I would highly recommend it as an efficient and effective form of secure communication.”
Dr. Peter Boles, Bray