Pre-diabetes: Diabetes Prevention Course
Pre-Diabetes is an umbrella term for Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG) and Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT). Whilst glucose levels are not high enough to be classed as Type 2 diabetes there is abnormal glucose regulation. Evidence shows this is a highly reversible condition through weight loss and increased levels of physical activity. (Ref public health England, systematic review of diabetes prevention)
Diabetes Prevention Programme:
A national Diabetes Prevention Programme will be rolled out nationwide as part of the new Chronic Disease - Integrated Care Structures.
The pace of this rollout will differ across the country, so please refer to the Community Nutrition and Dietetics Department in your own locality for the most up to date information and referral pathways.
Referral Pathway for Community Healthcare East Only: (Dublin South East, Dún Laoghaire & East Wicklow) referrals are being accepted from General Practitioners and Practice Nurses for the Diabetes Prevention Education Programme via Healthlink.
Patient referrals accepted for Diabetes prevention will be offered an initial assessment with a dietitian and following this they may commence a Diabetes Prevention group programme (12 month block of care) or continue a 1:1 defined block of dietetic care as appropriate.
Referral criteria:
- HbA1c 42 - 47 mmol/mol (ideally in the last 3 months)
- Fasting Plasma Glucose 6.1 – 6.9 mmol/l
In the absence of symptoms the FPG should be confirmed on repeat testing on a different day
For further information, please contact the Integrated Care Hub in Bray on: Telephone 01 2744101 or