National Patient Forum

One of the strategic priority areas for the Quality Improvement Division is Supporting Person Centred Care. One of the key principles of person centred care is collaboration. Patients, families and healthcare providers collaborate in policy development, implementation and evaluation and design and delivery of services. For this collaboration to be meaningful and successful, it is essential that engagement with patients and service users takes place during the initial stages of planning and design of services and programmes.

To create a platform for collaborative partnership and engagement with patients/service users, family members and carers at national level, the Quality Improvement Division set up the National Patient Forum. Its inaugural meeting took place on 28 April 2015.

What is the role of the National Patient Forum?

It is envisaged that the Forum will become the first point of reference for HSE divisions and clinical care programmes when seeking an input from patients/service users in the planning, design and delivery of services and will act as a sounding board for implementation of new and existing national programmes.

Who are the members of the National Patient Forum?

Membership of the Forum comprises patients, family members, carers, representatives of advocacy groups, disability organisations and Patients for Patient Safety Ireland. The following organisations and groups are represented at the Forum:

How can HSE divisions, clinical care programmes, hospital groups or CHOs engage with the National Patient Forum?

Forum members are interested in different forms of engagement with the health service and providing the patient perspective on a range of issues that matter to patients and service users accessing healthcare in Ireland. As a way of engaging with the Forum, you may wish to consider:

Presentations to the Forum members, followed by question and answer sessions;

  • Focus group discussions
  • Workshops
  • Questionnaires
  • Surveys

What is the process for including items on the Forum agenda?

The Forum meets every two months. Any items to be added to the agenda of the forum meetings are to be circulated three weeks ahead of the meeting, with supporting materials and other background information provided. This will give the Forum members time to do preparatory work for the meeting, including carrying out wider consultation with their members if necessary.

Who to contact if you wish to engage with the National Patient Forum?

Partnering with Patients team, will be happy to facilitate HSE Divisions, clinical care programmes, hospital groups or CHOs to engage with the National Patient Forum. The Partnering with Patients team will also provide guidance and advice on how to engage with the National Patient Forum. 

If you wish to bring issues to the Forum for consultation, discussion or feedback please contact Nicola Williams