Children First Compliance Self Audit Checklist

Children First Implementation and Compliance Self-Audit Checklist

The Self-Audit Checklist is designed to support HSE and HSE Funded and Contracted Services to provide assurance that their Children First obligations are being met.

The checklist is a self-audit tool and should be completed by the Responsible Manager in the service who is responsible for compliance with Children First. Services fall into two categories:

  1. ‘Relevant Service’ as defined in Schedule 1 of the Children First Act (2015). This includes services where having access to, or contact with, children and young people is a necessary and regular part of the work and some adult services that may on occasion accept children for treatment. ‘Relevant Services’ must complete the full checklist.
  2. Services that are not ‘Relevant Services’ are services that do not have direct or regular contact with children and families (including adult only and corporate services), but that nonetheless have obligations regarding compliance with Children First legislation, guidance and HSE Policy. Services that are not ‘Relevant Services’ are required to complete Section 1.3 and all of Section 2. Best practice, however, would be that all services complete all of Section 1.

HSE Internal Audit may ask for evidence to support the assurance of Children First implementation and compliance within the service. This may include requesting a copy of your service’s completed Self-Audit Checklist, the service’s Child Safeguarding Risk Assessment and Statement, procedure for and evidence of maintaining a list of all Mandated Persons in the Service, and/or detail regarding staff briefings or trainings in relation to Children First.

The annual internal HSE Controls Assurance Review Process (CARP) Internal Controls Questionnaire (issued at all staff Grade VIII and above) includes key questions in relation to compliance with Children First.

HSE Services and HSE Funded and Contracted Services

Download a copy of the Children First Implementation and Compliance Self-Audit Checklist (Microsoft Word, 86 KB, 18 pages)