DIME Access Forms / Training Schedule

DIME Access Forms

In order to gain access to the DIME system an access request form including a declaration is completed by each employer/ employee agreeing to the terms of use of the system. The DIME Access Forms can be located below. Completed forms should be scanned and returned by email to the DIME Team dime.team@hse.ie

DIME Access Form for Clinical Sites Medical HR/ Manpower , GP Training Coordinators

DIME Access Form for Occupational Health Department Users

DIME Access Form for Post Graduate Training Body Users

DIME Training Sessions 

The sessions will be broken down per module on DIME and will last approximately 1hr 30mins -o 2hrs each. 

  •  NCHD Post Matching  / NER Module
  •  Training Supports Module  / CCERS Module 
  •  Consultant Post Matching  / CAP Module
  •  Occupational Health Module

When booking a session please email dime.team@hse.ie,  Please state the modules you require training in. 

Please note that All DIME Training Sessions are subject to minimum participant numbers.

Upcoming Training Dates

DIME Module  Date & Time Date & Time Date & Time

NCHD Post Matching /

NER Modules 

Spaces Available

Mon 14th Oct


Spaces Available

Tues 3rd Dec

 2pm - 4pm


Training Supports /

CCERS Modules 

Spaces  Available

Fri 13th Sept

 10am - 12pm

Spaces  Available

Tues 12th Nov 

 10am - 12pm

Spaces Available

Mon 16th Dec

2pm - 4pm

Consultant Post Matching /

CAP Modules 

Spaces Available

Thurs 12th Sept 

10am -12pm 

 Spaces Available

Tues 15th Oct 

  10am - 12pm

Spaces Available 

Wed 27th Nov

 10am - 12pm 

Occupational Health Module

(For Occ Health Staff Only) 

Spaces Available

 Mon 14th Oct

10am -12pm 

Spaces Available

Wed 11th Dec     

10am - 12pm


For CCERS & TSS related queries please contact doctors@hse.ie 

For DIME related issues please contact the DIME Team at dime.team@hse.ie

Please find link to the DIME User Guides page on our website should you require same.