Support Avenues and Assistance for Feedback

Anyone wishing to provide feedback (comment, compliment or complaint) will be encouraged and supported with a number of avenues available and assistance where needed.

  • Feedback leaflets should be displayed in public areas within all services.
  • Multiple methods for giving feedback should be available, easily understood and promoted both during and after interaction with the service. These should include feedback boxes for feedback within service areas, for example, hospital ward (if not already in place).
  • A standard approach should be adopted by all services in relation to the information available to the public when viewing their website, particularly those services availing of the HSE website – service details on this site should all contain the same information and the same links for ease of reference. See example below:

For further instruction/details on amending or updating your online content please contact 

  • The organisation should provide appropriate and accessible facilities to enable each Service User to provide feedback and to make a complaint, such as, the signposting of advocacy services so families can avail of support if needed to raise a concern or issue, developing volunteer advocates who can also assist Service Users and supporting a No Wrong Door approach. 


Advocacy services (should be supported and signposted within each service so Service Users and their families who want to raise a concern or issue, know where to get support if needed.

An advocate is somebody who can act on the patient’s or the patient’s family’s behalf when dealing with a healthcare service. An advocate can represent the views of those seeking information or making complaints when required.

Advocacy services help Service Users, particularly those who are most vulnerable to;

  • Access information and services
  • Be involved in decisions that affect them
  • Explore choices and options
  • Defend and promote their rights and responsibilities
  • Speak out about issues that matter to them

If you wish to provide feedback and would like to avail of advocacy services, further information and guidance go to Advocacy Services

No Wrong Door

A No Wrong Door approach ensures that wherever a complaint is raised, it is the relevant staff and not the Service User that is responsible for routing it to the appropriate place for response.

Staff members must be sensitive to Service Users who have difficulties with literacy, language and/or hearing and should provide assistance and support where needed.

The HSE National Guidelines on Accessible Health and Social Care Services 2014 provides detailed information and guidance on accessibility and chapters 4 and 5 of these guidelines provide detailed information on supporting Service Users to communicate with health and social care staff through a variety of communication aids, tools and services.

Each Community Healthcare Organisation and Hospital Group should have access to interpretation services as required.

For guidelines on communication and examples of available interpretation services, see National Guidelines on Accessible Health and Social Care Services.pdf (size 1.2 MB):

Examples of available services include:

  • Interpreter Services
  • Irish Sign language interpreters
  • Deaf Interpreters
  • Irish Remote Interpreting Service (IRIS)
  • Deaf Peer Advocates