Dignity and Respect

The HSE is committed to treating all Service User feedback seriously and ensure that complaints, concerns and issues raised by Service Users are properly investigated in an unbiased, non-judgemental transparent timely and appropriate manner. The outcome of any investigation along with any resulting actions will be explained in full to the Service User by the investigating Complaint Officer/Review Officer.

When dealing with complaints the HSE adheres to the following principles

  • Openness and transparency: having well published accessible information and processes and understood by all those involved in the complaint.
  • Provide a level of details appropriate to the seriousness of the complaint
  • Provide Complainants with support and guidance throughout the process
  • Sympathetically respond to complaints and concerns in appropriate timeframes
  • Ensure that the care of Service Users is not adversely affected as a result of making a complaint
  • Identify the causes of complaints and take action to prevent reoccurrences
  • Provide a consistent  approach for the management and investigation of complaints

Your Service Your Say, the Management of Service User Feedback for Comments, Compliments and Complaints Policy is underpinned by the principles outlined in the HSE National Healthcare Charter: You and Your Health Service. Dignity and respect is a key component of the charter and one which must be reflected in all aspects of the complaints management process. As part of this process, all persons both Service Users and Staff will be treated with dignity, respect and compassion.