This community pharmacist resource page has been developed to support community pharmacists involved in the care of patients with cancer, with particular focus on the following areas:
- Safe dispensing of oral anti-cancer medicines (OAM). Please refer to the dispensing section in Table 1 below for guidance.
- Patient counselling of patients with cancer
- Supportive care for systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT), including OAM and hospital administered SACT
The tables below include links to relevant national and international resources on OAM and on other cancer related topics e.g. supportive care.
See tables below for resources to support community pharmacists.
NCCP National SACT Regimens for all SACT
Listed as per tumour site, including OAM and OAM in combination with IV SACT
NCCP National SACT Regimens for Oral Anti-Cancer Medicines
These can be used to support the safe dispensing of OAM
Supportive care
NCCP Classification Document for Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy (SACT) Induced Nausea and Vomiting (PDF)
This is the NCCP classification document for anti-emetics prescribed in conjunction with chemotherapy as supportive care
NCCP Guidance on Dose Banding
For some drugs e.g. capecitabine, doses are calculated on an individualised basis and may be rounded up or down to predetermined standard doses
General information
NCCP Clinical Practice Guidelines
Evidence-based guidelines on common cancers
The NCCP Guidance on the use of Biosimilars in Cancer Treatment has been retired ( May 2024). Please see link to HSE Guidance for Biological and Biosimilar Medicines use in Acute Hospitals here
To note that Biosimilars are not interchangeable at pharmacy level
NCCP Patient Information leaflets and booklets
Influenza Vaccine and Patients with Cancer
Education resources
National Competency Framework for Pharmacists Working in Cancer Care
Developed by NCCP in conjunction with colleagues from the IIOP, the IPU, hospital oncology pharmacy and community pharmacy
Table 2: Other Resources for Community Pharmacists
International reference sources
BC Cancer Protocols (British Columbia, Canada)
Available here
eviQ Protocols (Australia)
Available here
NCCN Guidelines (US)
Available here
eviQ Clinical Resources – Side Effects and Toxicity Management
Available here
NCCN Guidelines – Supportive Care
Available here
ESMO Supportive Care
(European Society for Medical Oncology)
Available here
Evidence-based recommendations on cancer-related areas including bone pain, immunotherapy toxicity, venous thromboembolism, extravasation
OAM Summary of Product Characteristics
Available here
From the website
Drug Interactions with Food and Other Drugs
Available here
From the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
Liverpool Drug Interactions
Available here
Interaction checker for cancer drug
- (December 2023). Please note that this is an archived version of the interaction checker. Please note the date of last update. It is the responsibility of the user to assess the clinical relevance of the archived data and the risks and benefits of using such data.
Drug Interactions with Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAMs)
Available here
From the National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre – herbs, botanicals and other products
Available here
Expert advice and information on supplements and integrative medicine treatments
Credible Meds – QT Prolongation
Available here
A list of cancer treatments categorised by their potential to cause QT prolongation and/or torsades de pointes (TdP)
Information on managing/identifying Adverse Effects
Available here
Chemocare website
Useful Counselling Points for individual drugs
Available here
Chemocare website
Information on how to report suspected adverse events (HPRA)
Available here
Pharmacists are encouraged to report suspected adverse effects to the HPRA
Information on Government Medical Schemes
Available here
Details of schemes and allowances that can help with healthcare costs
List of OAMS available on High Tech Drug Scheme
Available here
Many OAMs are ordered via the High Tech Hub on the PCRS website
Cancer Trials Ireland website – details of open clinical trials
Available here
Information on open cancer clinical trials including basket trials
Education resources
IIOP - Oral Anti-Cancer Medicines
A self-directed online training programme
BC Cancer Education Programme
A pharmacy education programme on cancer treatments
eviQ Education
An education resource with the option of long or short courses
British Oncology Pharmacy Association
A variety of oncology courses available
European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
Information on the latest research and updates on cancer treatments
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre
A variety of information on cancer treatments and clinical research
HSeLanD Online Learning and Development Portal
Community pharmacists can register to access learning modules, some of which are cancer-related
The NCCP also provides guidance on many other aspects of cancer treatment such as nursing, survivorship and psycho-oncology.
Background to Oral Anti-cancer Medicines (OAM) Resources
OAM Model of Care
The National Cancer Strategy 2017-2026 (PDF) recommended the development of a national model of care for Oral Anti-Cancer Medicines (OAM) (Recommendation 23). This has been completed by a working group convened by the NCCP.
NCCP Oncology Medications Safety Review Report
In 2014, the NCCP published the findings of an Oncology Medication and Safety Review (PDF) which was conducted across the 26 hospitals in Ireland involved in the administration of systemic anti-cancer therapy (SACT) in adults and children. The development of national guidance on the care of patients receiving OAM was also a key recommendation from this review.
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