National Flexible Training Scheme

Flexible Training

Flexible Training can refer to a range of options whereby trainees can access less than full- time training or in some instances, training in geographical locations more suited to their personal circumstances while continuing to attain the required competencies and range of experience.

Job Sharing

Job sharing pilots are being rolled out across the post-graduate training bodies. These posts involve matching 2 trainees in a site to share a 0.5 WTE post. Additional funding is available in some circumstances, allowing trainees to work at greater than 0.5 WTE for the duration of the job share. Unlike the NDTP Supernumerary scheme, job shares are not restricted to 12 months July-July and trainees can train more than 2 years in such an arrangement.

To express interest in availing of a job sharing arrangement, please contact your training body.

Supernumerary Flexible Training Scheme

The medical workforce is changing and, over recent years, numerous reports have pointed to the importance of providing flexible working arrangements for doctors.

The NDTP Supernumerary Flexible Training Scheme funds up to 32 participants at 50% of WTE at any one time. 

The scheme facilitates NCHDs in a training programme to continue their training in a flexible manner for a set period of time. The most common reasons to date for individual trainees making an application to the NDTP Flexible Training Scheme include:

•            Responsibility for caring for others (e.g. children or elderly relatives)

•             Personal family circumstances

•             Health reasons

•             Other personal circumstances

Trainees must be enrolled in a Training Programme under the auspices of one of the postgraduate medical training bodies recognised by the Medical Council in Ireland.

The NDTP Supernumerary Flexible Training Scheme Guide sets out details of the National Flexible Training Scheme and provides information for trainees, training bodies and employers about the programme.

Please send any queries surrounding Flexible Training to

Flexible Training Policy 2024 (PDF, size 1.22 MB, 10 pages)

Flexible Training Application Form (.docx, size 67.5KB, 6 pages)

Principles of Flexible Training