References - Antibiotic Prescribing

  1. Joint Formulary Committee. British National Formulary, Edn. 61, London. British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (2011) (
  2. Paediatric Formulary Committee. BNF for Children, London. British Medical Association, Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain Royal College of Paediatrics and Child health, and Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacists Group (2011) (
  3. Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme. Drug Prescribing for Dentistry, Dental Clinical Guidance, 2nd Edn. (2011) (
  4. Faculty of General Dental Practitioners (UK). Antimicrobial Prescribing for General Dental Practitioners, 2nd Edn. (2012)
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Skin Conditions

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Updated September 2018