Oseltamivir and Zanamivir

This information on drug interactions with antimicrobials is intended for use as a guide and not as a complete reference source

Antimicrobial Class Interacting Drug Comment

Antiviral Neuraminidase inhibitors e.g. Oseltamivir and Zanamivir













Live vaccines (e.g. Fluenz Tetra®)






Live vaccines e.g. Fluenz Tetra® should not be administered until 48 hours after stopping oseltamivir/zanamivir as there is potential for the anti-viral agents to reduce the effectiveness of Fluenz Tetra®.

Oseltamivir/zanamivir should not be given within two weeks after receiving Fluenz Tetra® vaccination as they may affect the response of the vaccine.  If oseltamivir/zanamivir and Fluenz Tetra® are administered concomitantly, revaccination should be considered based on clinical judgement.

Leflunomide/Teriflunomide Oseltamivir: may increase levels of oseltamivir, monitor for adverse effects and adjust dose of oseltamivir if required.
Tolvaptan Oseltamivir: may increase levels of oseltamivir, monitor for adverse effects and adjust dose of oseltamivir if required.
Warfarin Oseltamivir: Isolated cases of raised INRs have been reported.

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