
This information on drug interactions with antimicrobials is intended for use as a guide and not as a complete reference source

Antibiotic Class Interacting Drug Comment

Tetracyclines e.g.

  • Doxycycline
  • Lymecycline
  • Minocycline




















Antacids, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminium, Sucralfate and Bismuth Preparations Risk of reduced bioavailability and efficacy of tetracyclines. Separate the doses by 2 to 3 hours or more to avoid interaction.
Iron Iron to be given 3 hours before or 2-3 hours after the tetracyclines. The absorption of both the tetracyclines and iron compounds is greatly reduced by concurrent use.
Warfarin Risk of bleeding - monitor INR closely.
Methotrexate Tetracyclines can increase risk of methotrexate toxicity.
Systemic retinoids. e.g. Oral isotretinoin Concomitant use of retinoids and tetracyclines is contraindicated due to risk of causing benign intracranial hypertension.
Antiepileptics Doxycycline levels may be reduced. Monitor for efficacy and consider increase in doxycycline dose.
Rifampicin Doxycycline levels may be reduced. Monitor for efficacy and consider increase in doxycycline dose.
Ciclosporin Doxycycline is predicted to increase ciclosporin concentrations. Action: monitor (and dose adjust the ciclosporin as needed).
Lithium Tetracyclines might increase the risk of lithium toxicity when given with lithium. Action: monitor for lithium toxicity and adjust the dose as needed.
Strontium Suspend strontium ranelate treatment if tetracycline needed.
Cyproterone Monitor for pigmentation with minocycline.
Combined oral contraceptive Monitor for pigmentation with minocycline.

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